My Children

I have two boys Oliver born 2008 and Jacon born 2011.They dont have Cystic Fibrosis but are carriers of the gene(this means before they have children of thier own they will need to have their partner tested of CF carrier status or their children will have a 1 in 4 chance of having CF too like me)

Oliver is a very careful,caring and cheeky little boy. He is small for his age and people give into him as he looks like butter wouldnt melt.... He loves going to nursery and playing outside. He is a typical boy who loves spiderman,sonic the hedgehog and eating sweets. He usually ends up on the naughty step most days for been too rough with his little brother but thats sounds right for a 4yr old. Oliver likes to take care of me and comes to my hospital appointments with his brother and like to hold my hand when I get neddles and tells me in a gentle voice that Im brave and its nearly over

Jacob is a clingy baby who is a food monster.He eats 3 times as much as his older brother and I actually think he comforts eats at 13months old. He like Winnie the pooh and his dummy. Jacob has started to use sign language and will sign for milk,bed,bye and train. Heis alomost walking but crys when he falls so is too scarred to let go.

Both boys suffer with constipation amd take movicol. Jacob is alot better than Oliver with his tummy. Olivers is causing him alot of problems.
Both boys are mostly healthy but do have alot of viral infection and between thwn its common for at least one if not both to be under the weather.

Both boys are great sleepers getting 12hrs a night on average ahich gives me time to rest and concentrate on getting them treatments and calories into me.

I have really good children and Im constantly crying with happyness as they do many things each day that make me smile.

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